Thursday 17 December 2009

Christmas Arrives A Week In Advance!

Not every day the big lad in the red suit drops a sparkling intact Tonka beast in a skip! Everyone at Friarton must've been extra good this year so Klaus has had to do the rounds one week early, starting with this rare find! No rest for the Tonka though, seen here carting some mini-breezeblocks to the building site. On yersel' son!

Wednesday 16 December 2009

Interview For Assistant Post

Interviewing has begun for an assistant post to help with various aspects in the running of the Garbologists. As a representative of The Garbologists I visited artist Neil Nodzak to interview him last week. He works in drawing and model making, in investigating various aspects of architecture. Neil has signed a prelimenary contract more or less tying him to the post. We're excited about this probable appointement, with Neil hopefully able to assist with building work, filming, photographing, also conversing and other modes of communication. The contract stipulates the candidate must be comfortable in the dark, cold and rain, thus the apprehension on Neils face when hearing the contract read. Look forward to a healthy working relationship.

Wednesday 9 December 2009

Worth A Gander

This rickety wee beast is my personal favourite from a belter of a book...

Cabin Fever - Sheds and Shelters, Huts and Hideaways

....about hidden dens and makeshift huts. This one belongs to the children of the local Charcutier (meat smoker) ina village in Switzerland. Good luck with the health and safety son, looks like its fashioned out of 8 matches and a Frosties packet!

"Lovely Old Shed"

This is an image of a garden shed.
It relates to a cracking yarn about Norman Taylor, an amateur photographer and more importantly, shed enthusiast, who suffers from sight loss. Norman has put on display more than 1000 pictures of his beloved garden shed. It will be on display until mid January at Royal National Institute of Blind People in Edinburgh.
He describes it fondly as a "lovely old shed". Norman, we concur.


After a heady day of press coverage (16th Nov), Garbologist HQ received some more attention.........1st vandalism! Some Rogues O' The Nicht had a go at the roof and back two windows when trying to gain access to the penetrable fortress! A couple of screws and some beams across the windows have seen it secured until now at least. If any vandalism occurs, it is photographed, fixed, and the photograph and description of handi-work left outside the shed for respective assailants to add to their collection.

Press Call! Made It To The TV!

Looking a bit "Billy Bob Thornton' in Sling Blade, I get photographed emerging from H.Q by the skip site Paparazzi. The Garbologists featured on Grampian evening news, in The Press & Journal, and most importantly, The Courier!
Cheers to the skip site workers Craig, Michael and Hugh who all acted (worked in situ) with Hollywood ease to put a bit of glamour into the production!

The press attention brought about a little more attention of a darker nature that night.....H.Q's first bout of vandalism!

3D Model Of H.Q

This a plan that was made up to assist with the construction of the shed, using Google Sketch-Up.

- Google Sketch-Up: Free, Cheap, and Doesn't Cost Anything. Great for All Your Computer -Related Sketching Requirements.
(Garbologists do not condone promotion of any third party associates, represented companies or commercial ventures).

An Englishmans Home Is His Castle, Ah'll Tak Garbologist H.Q Any Day!

Apologies for a delay in posting, this is due to essential work being done to complete H.Q and numerous logistical discrepancies.

The facade of Headquarters, complete with signage, welcoming palette-step, and bike-less bike shelter. If anyone's up the skip site feel free to drop by. Its pretty cold and usually dark (rectified upon suitable discovery of skipped materials), but there are now two (2) chairs, so comforts not an issue!